Christian Rogers, AIA


Alabama - #5883

Colorado - #ARC.00406529

Florida - #AR95307

Georgia - #RA010846

Illinois - #001.027085

Mississippi - #4586

New Jersey - #20537

New York - #043400

Ohio - #ARC.2218756


Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, Georgia / 1999 - 2002

Master of Architecture

Focus on Urban Design and Classicism


Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, Georgia / 1989 - 1993

Bachelor of Science, Architecture; Dean’s List


L’Ecole de L’Architecture de La Villette

Paris, France / 1992 - 1993

Participant in the Senior Year study abroad program with Georgia Tech

Community & Professional Service

NCARB Certification

(National Council of Architectural Registration Boards)


Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)


Member of Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America (ICA&CA)


United States Green Building Council (USGBC)

Birmingham, Alabama / 2010 - 2013

• 2012 Chair - Alabama Chapter Board of Directors

• 2011 Vice-Chair - Alabama Chapter Board of Directors

• 2010 Secretary - Alabama Chapter Board of Directors

 Highland Park Design Review Committee

• 2017 - present - Chair

Blount Springs

• 2015 - present - Town Architect

Town of Mount Laurel

• 2020 - present - Town Architect

Barber Motorsports Park

Birmingham, Alabama

• 2006 - 2014 - Sponsor Hospitality Committee Co-Chairman


Sloss Furnaces and National Historic Landmark

Birmingham, Alabama

• 2006 - 2008 - Volunteer - Stokin’ the Fire BBQ and Music Festival


Tift Theatre for the Performing Arts

Tifton, Georgia

• 1995-1997 - Chairman, Executive Board of Directors


Miss Tifton Scholarship Pageant

Tifton, Georgia

• 1995-1997 - Chairman, Board of Directors 


Downtown Development Authority

Arts Experiment Station

Tifton-Tift County Artist’s Guild

Tifton, Georgia

• 1993-1997- Volunteer


First Baptist Church

Tifton, Georgia

• 1997 - 1999 - Television Ministry Coordinator